Saturday, July 10, 2010

Final school visit – Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School

This is the final school visit and a school that is somehow far away from the city centre. The school had a lot of space in the campus and the school initiated the joy and pleasure of schooling to young children to adults.

We have been to the primary section and we have been to an art studio to look at the students’ masterpiece. The school had used a combination of art and other subjects such as maths, bible studies, social studies, etc. to integrate with the studies. It is something interesting and something new as I have never been approached to anything like this before. Indeed, the school explained that Arts (drawing) is a serious course and they take this very seriously. This is because the school usually get good scores in VCE and internally.

There is another thing that I enjoyed most. The school provide students how to make things with their bare hands in order to make a living. Things include building bricks, making swords, building houses and farming in the gardens to make a living. We never have that in Hong Kong as all of these things would never been in the curricular.

If I were the parent, I would send my children to this school regardless of how prestigious the school is. This is because I would like my children to learn things that were never learnt before and the school could provide something that my children could make a living or at the very least, making ends meet.

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